10 Ways to Optimize Your
Next Email Marketing Campaign

Create email marketing campaigns
that convert the leads you already have

Are you sending people to your landing pages from email? In this webinar, Amy Ellis will explain the dos and don'ts of crafting email marketing campaigns around new products, promotions, content and more. Find out the top mistakes even smart marketers are making and the best ways to drive opens, clicks and conversions among your existing email subscribers.

You'll learn:

Awesome ways to generate more opens, clicks and conversions from your existing email list The mistakes email marketers are making right now and how you can avoid them Why you should send your subscribers to targeted landing pages (and what they should include) ...plus, much more!

Date: Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Time: 11:00am PT / 2:00pm ET / 6:00pm GMT
Duration: 1 hour
Awesome: Naturally

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About our guest, Amy Ellis

Amy Ellis is the Head of Integrations and Partnerships at MailChimp. Her team helps people build on top of MailChimp and Mandrill’s open APIs. They also specialize in developing MailChimp’s partner communities including Experts and Agencies, the groups who help their clients make the most of their email marketing. In her spare time, Amy serves as an email strategy consultant for local Atlanta-based organizations.

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Most useful webinar I think I have ever attended. Thank you! @unbounce #unwebinar


Most useful webinar I think I have ever attended. Thank you! @unbounce #unwebinar


Most useful webinar I think I have ever attended. Thank you! @unbounce #unwebinar

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